
This is part of the Dessert Project. Techniques practiced in this recipe: Basic flaky pie crust, pre-baked Crème patisserie Whipped cream topping Servings: 8 (9-inch pie) 5 ripe bananas4 T unsalted butter, divided2 ½ c half-and-half½ c (3 […]


This is the start of the Dessert Project, a cooking exploration into techniques and tastes. It seems fitting that the first entry is the basic crust for pies and tarts. #1 – Pastry for a 9-inch pie shell […]


The Magic Circle by Barry Ryerson takes the reader on a twisty, exciting ride through a post-apocalyptic world. I’d call this a techno-magic-thriller. Is that a genre? If not, I just made it up. The devastation wreaked by […]


The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow started out to write a book about the origins of social inequality, according to the authors (an anthropologist and an archeologist). However, they […]


In the near future, a billionaire businessman aims to change the climate of the planet. What could go wrong? This is the Big Idea tackled in Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson. The novel is huge, featuring multiple intertwined […]


Kim Stanley Robinson has written a lot of books, but The Ministry for the Future is the first of his that I’ve read, largely because of the topic. I know quite a bit about climate change and the […]


Knowledge comes into the world by many paths. The Knowledge Machine (subtitled How Irrationality Created Modern Science) has a lot to say about the process by which scientists since the 17th century have created scientific knowledge. The book […]


Queen of Hearts is the first in a series of fantasy books that follow the young Princess of Wonderland. Colleen Oakes has taken Lewis Carroll’s work as a starting point to build an interesting and coherent world. This […]


It’s the start of the lunar new year, specifically the year of the ox. To celebrate, I decided to make fried dumplings, from a recent recipe in the New York Times. I had to make a visit to […]


The City of Bones is the first book in a fantasy series by Cassandra Clare, the Shadowhunter series. The book imagines a world in which magical creatures of all sorts exist, but are generally invisible to ordinary humans. […]