
After last week’s focus on research—timetables, maps, photographs—I was ready to write this week. Notes on the next scene in the WIP had been drafted months ago. This week I worked on finishing this scene, which opens the second part of the novel.

I made a change in the POV character from the original draft. I thought about what one of my writing teachers said: the POV character should be the one who has the most at stake in the scene. Added to that, I also think about the inner feelings of the character and the importance of conveying them to the reader. Given these considerations, it was obvious.

Eight hours devoted to actual writing this week and almost 1000 words this week. With this, I’ve passed the 50,000-word mark for the WIP.  This is just a number, of course. I expect the first draft will be about 150,000 words, so there is long way to go.

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