A child joyously bursts through the tape of the finish line of a race.


Last week I finished the first draft of the novel. I finished the last scene — that is, I filled out the final “sketch” — and called it a first draft. A bright line is useful, if for nothing more than to have a reason to celebrate.

I started working on the novel approximately February 2021. Here it is, the beginning of 2025. Let’s round the number to four years. Four years to get to a first draft. For most of those four years I worked full time. In the middle of this period, I packed up and moved across country.

During four years, I took many writing classes. Novel Bootcamp at Lighthouse in the fall of 2020 launched the draft and, through the class, I met writers who became friends and accountability buddies. I became acquainted with Scrivener and spent several weeks setting up the novel and completing an outline. Chip’s FReeForm classes were sprinkled throughout, giving me inspiration and new tools to put in my writing toolbox.

The novel took off in 2024 when I started on the ten-month “Novel First Draft” program (through Pioneer Valley Writers Workshop). During this year, I doubled the word count and ended the year within spitting distance of finishing.

People have said that it is good to take time off between finishing a draft and beginning revision. So far, I have not been able to do that… not quite. I am so accustomed to beginning each day with two or three hours devoted to writing that I cannot seem to give it up.

I have been scrupulous about not touching the draft. Many ideas have popped into my head, however. I log them in a file called “Change Notes” for eventual revision. I have gone back to an old spreadsheet from one of my accountability buddies that lays out bones of the plot and turns, etc. Perhaps when I finish this construction sheet, I can rest for a bit.

Every end is a new beginning.

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