Bench and pond


Comments land like a stone in a pond: they ripple through the work. Last weekend I had critique sessions with writing buddies. This week I followed those ripples and made minor changes in a couple of chapters. I […]


Writing and reviewing happened this week. I had three pieces to review for writing groups that meet this weekend. I enjoy providing feedback on others’ work. It’s like a puzzle to solve, trying to figure out what the […]


After last week’s focus on research—timetables, maps, photographs—I was ready to write this week. Notes on the next scene in the WIP had been drafted months ago. This week I worked on finishing this scene, which opens the […]


Much of this week’s writing time was consumed with research. For the current WIP novel, I needed certain physical locations for key parts of the action. For example: a summer house on a lake in northern New England […]